Saturday, June 09, 2007

One Down

Yay! Rejoice with Me!
CRA in GE@QUTIC is finished! Yes, I did title my assignment with a cryptic combination of acronyms. I actually wrote "at" instead of @ on the paper itself though. It seemed best. And the sub-title was about a paragraph long and explained it all, so that's ok, I think.
And now there's just a whole unit using all my favourite elementary simple past activities to do. I've done most of the planning for the unit, I just need to polish it, fill in a couple of gaps, and then there's a little matter of a 2000 word theoretical rationale to go with it. Sigh. At least I have a full 3 days to do it, with no work or other commitments.
Oh yes, I nearly forgot - I had my last day at work yesterday. I'm now officially unemployed. Or maybe I should say I'm a full time student... It's precisely one calendar month from today until I expect to find myself in front of a class again - and that will be in the UK, and in a room full of computers!

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Blogger d said...

Congratulations! (On finishing, that is, not on being unemployed or anything).

June 18, 2007  
Blogger Bing said...

yay.. no more sitting through lectures and trying to look interested!! lol.. oh, sori, im prolly talking about myself!! lol heehe..

how are things? where are you right now? hope all is well..

keep in touch,

June 27, 2007  

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